Blood examinations

Cattle: brucella, leukosis, IBR, PTBC, other pathogens causing abortion. Annual mandatory blood tests of cattle herds.
Pigs: brucellosis, PRRS, Aujeszky’s disease, leptospirosis. Annual mandatory blood tests of pig herds.
Horse: infectious anemia, snot disease, breeding paralysis. Annual mandatory blood tests of horse herds.
Small ruminants: brucellosis, chlamydiosis, maedi-vishna
Serological examination of poultry blood

Bacterological examinations

Detection of pathogens of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi.
In many cases, the detection of pathogens can be the basis for establishing a diagnosis.
In addition to the detection of pathogenic bacteria, carrying out an antibiotic resistance test is an essential part of determining the therapy.

Parasitological examinations

Complete parasitological examination, detection of ecto- and endoparasites.
Our laboratory also carries out the test for the control of “endoparasite” (internal parasites) infection, which is necessary for sheep animal welfare support, for which we provide a free sampling package.
It is possible to carry out a complete parasitological examination of individual and mixed stool samples.

Pathological examinations

Complete parasitological examination, detection of ecto- and endoparasites.
Our laboratory also carries out the test for the control of “endoparasite” (internal parasites) infection, which is necessary for sheep animal welfare support, for which we provide a free sampling package.
It is possible to carry out a complete parasitological examination of individual and mixed stool samples.

Ordering info

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Description of examinations by animal species.


  • Detection of Aujeszky antibodies from blood using the ELISA method
  • Detection of PRRS antibodies from blood using the ELISA method
  • Detection of Brucella suis antibodies from blood using the ELISA method
  • Detection of Leptospira antibodies by microagglutination test
  • Detection of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae antibodies by ELISA method
  • Detection of porcine parvovirus antibodies and determination of their titers using the ELISA method
  • Detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae antibody by ELISA method


  • Brucella abortus antibody detection from blood, milk ELISA
  • Detection of bovine leukosis from blood and milk using the ELISA method
  • IBR antibody detection from blood using the ELISA method
  • Detection of viral diarrhea (BVD) antibodies from blood, antigen detection from blood, milk, ear cartilage samples using the ELISA method
  • Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis antibodies by ELISA
  • Detection of Chlamydophila abortus antibodies by ELISA method
  • Schmallenberg virus antibody detection by ELISA method
  • Detection of Coxiella burnetii (Q-fever) antibody by ELISA method
  • Detection of rotavirus, coronavirus, E.coli K-99 antigen by ELISA method
  • Bluetongue antibody detection from blood using the ELISA method
  • Detection of Leptospira antibodies by microagglutination test
  • Examination of bag rinse: culture of Campylobacter and Trichomonas


  • Salmonella tests of poultry flocks
  • Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum, M. synoviae, M. meleagridis antibodies
  • Detection of Salmonella gallinarum/pullorum antibodies by rapid slide agglutination test
  • Examination of fowl plague antibody level from blood serum
  • Goose Derzsy disease (goose parvovirus) antibody level test with virus neutralization test
  • Embryological and microbiological examination of suffocated eggs


  • Detection of equine infectious anemia (equine infectious anemia) virus antibodies by agar gel immunodiffusion test
  • Detection of antibodies to snot with a complement binding test
  • Detection of horse sickness (Trypanosoma equiperdum) antibodies by complement fixation test

Sheep, goat

  • Detection of Brucella ovis, Brucella melitensis antibodies from blood serum by ELISA test
  • Detection of Leptospira antibodies by microagglutination test
  • Detection of Maedi-Visna antibodies from blood serum by ELISA test
  • Detection of Chlamydophila abortus antibodies by ELISA method
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